Podcast Therapy

Now with so much technology in the world, there are numerous ways of getting therapy. One innovative way of getting therapy is podcasting. This might sound novel to some people, who have regarded therapy as more in person event; however, many people are tuning in to listen to healing sessions concerning different varieties of topics. This is a great way for someone to listen to stories at a time of their choosing. This can help them reach out for therapy because they know other people are going through similar situations and it is okay to ask for help.

The podcasting companies like Gimlet Media along with psychiatrist Dr. Alexandra Sacks started a podcast regarding topics like motherhood and pregnancy. Dr. Sacks podcast “Motherhood Sessions” had many mothers reach out to talk about their experiences. For Season 1, they had about 22 women come and record their stories; however, only 10 made it to Season 1. This is good because many people want to talk about mental health, and because of this there will be more of a push for digital therapy.

This is a great start for a new wave of therapy, because it makes people feel comfortable regarding their health because they know other people who went through the same situation, and can see how they handled it. One great thing about podcasts is that you can listen to them anywhere from home or even in the store while grocery shopping.

Written by – Akash Patel – Marketing Intern

Millennials and Therapy

It was once a stigma in our society but now has become somewhat a norm among the so-called millennials in our society. What we are talking about is mental-health therapy. Peggy Drexler in her article Millennials are the Therapy Generation talks about how more “20- and 30- somethings turn to therapy sooner and with fewer reservations than young people did in previous eras.”

There is a lot of pressure put on the younger generation by society to be perfect which can lead to depression and mental illnesses. The main reasons for this are the rise of social media and technology, which leads to desire to reach out for therapy. Social media is a great place for millennials because it lets them to see people they see as role models talk about their struggles with depression, and how it is okay to reach out for help.

Because of this, more teens are getting therapy much earlier in their life than the past. A lot of them try to find balance in their work/student and social life. Social media showcases a safer place for people to reach out and talk. Technology makes it easier for people to get therapy with certain apps like Talkspace and MyTherapist.

For those who like the comfort of their homes when getting therapy instead of going to an office can use these apps in which they can call and video chat. Therapy isn’t for everyone; however, there are alternate ways to seek help now more than ever.

